How to Set up a database for a Django project: MySQL; SQLite; Oracle

How to Set up a database for a Django project: MySQL; SQLite; Oracle

When choosing a database for your Django project, consider the size and complexity of your project, as well as any specific requirements or preferences you may have. Django’s ORM makes it easy to switch between databases, so you can always start with a simpler option and upgrade later if needed. Softformance provides django development services taking care of all aspects of the development process, including architecture design, coding, testing, and deployment.

The first step in setting up a database for your Django project is to install the required software on your computer. The second step is to create an environment where you can run Python code without interfering with other applications or processes running in the background.

*Software to install: 

  • MySQL server and client.
  • Python development environment.
  • Python pip (a package manager for Python).
  • Django (a web framework), which will be used to build your application.

*Set up configuration files including the database, secret key, and url

  • The configuration file is a Python file which contains the settings for your project. It helps you to set up an environment with different options such as setting up the database and secret key.
  • A database is a collection of tables that store data in it. It can be MySQL, Oracle or SQLite based on your requirement or choice. Django comes with its own ORM called SQLite (for small projects) but if you want more performance then you should use any other DBMS like MySQL or Postgresql etc., instead of SQLite because they provide better performance than SQLite does at this point in time so we recommend using either one of these two databases for better results when working with Django applications today!

*Create an empty database, add user to it, create a table and insert data into it

You can do this using the command line or an IDE such as PyCharm or Atom. If you are using PyCharm, then open up its terminal window and type in sqlite3 . This will open up an SQLite shell where you can issue commands directly to create a new database. For example:


The next step in creating a database involves creating a new table so that data can be saved in it later on. This can be done by using DROP TABLE command followed by CREATE TABLE statement to create the table. Once this is done, you have to specify its name which will be referred to as table_name from now onwards.

For example:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `my_db`.`users`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `my_db`.`users` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `username` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`username`, `email`, `password`, `createdAt`, `updatedAt`)) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

If you are not familiar with SQL and want an easy way to get started with Django, then it’s recommended that you use this method. It will create all necessary tables in your database automatically when creating an app with startproject command. When choosing a Django development services provider, it’s important to look for a team with experience in building web applications using Django, as well as a proven track record of delivering high-quality work on time and within budget. It’s also important to look for a provider that offers transparent pricing and good communication, so you can stay informed about the development process and any changes or updates to your project.

In the end: Few words about Oracle

Oracle Database is a commercial relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle Corporation. It is one of the most popular enterprise-grade databases in use today and is commonly used in large-scale enterprise applications.

Some key features of Oracle Database include:

  1. Oracle Database can scale up to handle large amounts of data and high user concurrency.
  2. Oracle Database includes a variety of security features, such as user authentication, data encryption, and access control.
  3. Oracle Database supports high availability features such as clustering, replication, and backup and recovery.
  4. Oracle Database is optimized for high performance, with features such as query optimization, in-memory processing, and indexing.

Using Oracle Database with Django requires installing the cx_Oracle driver, which allows Python to interact with the Oracle Database using the Django ORM. Once the driver is installed, you can configure your Django project to use Oracle as the backend database, and start building your application using the familiar Django ORM syntax.

SQLite & Oracle: Some differences

Oracle Database is designed to handle large-scale, enterprise-level databases with high levels of concurrency and performance. SQLite, on the other hand, is designed for smaller databases and is often used in embedded applications or mobile devices.

Oracle Database offers a wide range of features for managing and processing data, including support for advanced SQL queries, data encryption, backup and recovery, and high availability. SQLite offers a more limited set of features, but is still a robust and reliable database for many use cases.

Oracle Database is a commercial product and requires licensing fees, whereas SQLite is free and open-source.

The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of your application and the resources you have available.

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