How To Remove A Remembered Instagram Account The Easy Way

Understand the Basics

Removing a remembered Instagram account from your device can be daunting for many, but it doesn’t have to be. You can easily and quickly remove a remembered Instagram account with the right steps.

In this section, we will outline the basics of removing a remembered Instagram account. With this information, you can make the process much easier and quicker.

What is a remembered Instagram account?

A remembered Instagram account is associated with your email address or phone number, which you can log in to using the Instagram app. It’s the same as a regular Instagram account without a password.

When you attempt to log into your remembered account, Instagram will ask for a 3-digit verification code sent to your email address or mobile phone number.

Once you have securely logged into the remembered account, you will have full access and control over it, including being able to reset your password if desired.

To ensure that no one else can gain access to your remembered Instagram account, it is important that you keep your passwords secure and updated regularly, as well as opt for two-factor authentication for added security.

Why you may want to remove a remembered account

Removing a remembered Instagram account may be necessary for a variety of reasons. These can include wanting to switch between multiple accounts on the same device, needing to protect your current account from unnecessary access rights, or no longer wanting information from another account stored on your device.

Whatever the reason, this guide will show you how to remove a remembered Instagram account easily.

A remembered Instagram account is an account that will show up as an option when signing into the app or website. It usually appears as one of two choices: ‘Not You?’ or ‘Switch Accounts,’ depending on what platform you are using.

Sometimes, you may want to remove those remembered accounts to prevent anyone else from accessing them without removing them permanently. This can be done quickly and securely without affecting the original profile data.

Prepare for Removing the Account

If you want to remove a remembered Instagram account, the first step is to prepare for the removal. This involves ensuring that the account is no longer associated with any apps or services with access to it.

You should also delete any saved photos or videos from the account and log out of them from all devices. Once you are certain that the account is no longer associated with any services, you can begin the process to remove it.

Log out of all accounts

Log out of all accounts associated with the one you want to delete is recommended. This includes third-party services such as social media, online forums, shopping accounts, and any websites or applications associated with your account.

This ensures the account and all its data are deleted without further access from such services or websites. Additionally, it is a good security measure to ensure that no one else can access these accounts after you have deleted your user account.

Make sure you have the username and password of the account you want to remove

Before you take any action, you must ensure you have any other information related to the account.

This means ensuring you have your username and password for the account before starting. This information will make removing a remembered Instagram account much easier and less time-consuming.

You should also create a new log-in profile so you do not accidentally log into the account you want to delete.

This way, if someone has shared their devices or set up an automatic sign-in in their browser’s settings, they will not mistakenly find themselves logged in. At the same time, they try to delete a remembered account without having their username and password.

Removing the Account

Removing a remembered Instagram account is easy when you know the right steps. In this article, we will go over removing the remembered account from Instagram with a few simple steps.

We will discuss the steps needed to successfully delete the remembered account and the potential consequences of doing so. Read on to learn more.

Go to your settings

For those who wish to remove their account from our service, you must follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account and go to your settings.
  2. Scroll down to find the “Delete Account” option, which will be found on the lower part of the page.
  3. Click on “Delete Account” and confirm that you want to delete your account.
  4. Please note that all personal data associated with your account will be deleted and is not retrievable once the deletion process is complete.
  5. Also, depending on the frequency of usage, some residual data may remain in other parts of our systems associated with activities related to your accounts, such as technical support, customer service inquiries, or survey responses.
  6. Upon completing this deletion process, you are officially removed from our system, and all related credentials associated with this account will no longer be able to access any services provided by us or affiliated companies/partners connected with our services

Select the Security tab

Select the “Security” tab located at the top of the page. This tab contains settings related to account security, password, and two-factor authentication.

Once on this page, scroll down until you find the labeled “Manage Login Accounts”. It contains a list of all remembered account logins within various other applications (e.g., web browsers and third-party apps).

If you are in an application that supports the Account tab (e.g., Google Chrome), scroll through and locate your Instagram account in the list of remembered accounts. Click on your Instagram account name to select it, then click Remove Account to delete it from the login list.

If you are on a mobile device or using any other application not supporting the Security tab directly, you must log out of your current account before accessing this section.

Logging out will reset all Remembered Accounts for that particular app or browser and any session tokens stored in memory for them. Select your Instagram account name from here and click Remove Account again to clear it from your record.

Scroll down to the “Remembered Accounts” section

If you need to remove a remembered Instagram account from the login page, then it’s easy to do with this step-by-step guide. Open the login page on a web browser and sign in with your original email address.

Once logged in, scroll down to the “Remembered Accounts” section. Here, you will see all the accounts currently remembered in your browser window.

To remove one of these accounts, click on the three dots icon (•••) next to the username and select “Remove” from the drop-down menu. That’s it – your remembered account is now removed!

Select the account you want to remove

Before removing an account from memory, you must identify which account you want to remove. To do this:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your device and navigate to the profile tab.
  2. At the top of the profile page, scroll until you see “Add Account” at the far right side of your screen.
  3. Press this button to view all of your currently remembered accounts.
  4. From here, select whichever account you would like to remove from memory by pressing on it and confirming your choice in the subsequent pop-up window that appears.

Once this has been done, follow the steps outlined below for further instructions on completing this process on both iOS and Android devices.

Confirm the removal

Once on the login screen, click “Forgot Password.” When prompted, enter the email associated with the account and click “Submit.” You will then receive an email providing a link to the password reset page.

On that page, there is an option at the bottom called “Forgot More?” It will lead you to a pop-up window where you can select “Remove account.”

Click that and confirm your decision. Once completed, your Instagram account will be removed from your device and forgotten.


Troubleshooting can feel daunting when trying to remove a remembered Instagram account. You may worry that you won’t be able to figure it out.

Luckily, there are ways to make it easier. This article will discuss troubleshooting tips and tricks to help you remove the remembered Instagram account easily.

If you cannot find the remembered account

If you have completed the steps outlined above yet still find that the Instagram account remains a ‘remembered account’, there may be other steps to try.

First, it may take a few attempts at logging out and then back into your device for the remembered account to disappear from all your devices completely.

If this does not work, a full reset of the app on your device may help check if that old Instagram profile is still connected to another service, such as Facebook.

If this doesn’t work, you can delete the Instagram account directly. You will need access to that potential remembered account’s password and email address to do so – if you know them – and then follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Instagram’s website
  2. Log into the search bar with your username and password
  3. Click on ‘Edit Profile At the top right-hand corner of your profile page
  4. Click on ‘Temporarily Disable my Account’ at the bottom of the page
  5. Select an option from the drop-down menu next to ‘Why Are You Disabling Your Account?’
  6. Re-enter Your Password
  7. Click Temporarily Disable Account

If you cannot remove the remembered account

If you have tried everything above but still cannot remove the remembered account, the account is likely linked to another device or browser.

In this case, first, try signing out of all other devices and browsers that are linked to your Instagram account.

To do this, go to your profile and press the three lines in the top right-hand corner. Then select ‘Settings’ and then ‘Security’. Scroll down until you see ‘Logged in devices’ and follow the instructions.

TIP: If you click on a certain device or browser, it will give additional information such as location, date, and login time and a ‘log out of this device/browser button’ at the bottom.

If none of these steps help remove the remembered account, it could be because you have set up an integration with a third-party app via Instagram’s API service or accidentally marked the login checkbox when signing into an unfamiliar device or browser.

In these cases, it will be necessary to prove ownership over both accounts – yours and the one that has been remembered – to have this rectified by the Instagram support team.

Please follow their advice as detailed in their help center regarding the steps required to prove ownership over both accounts to remove any connection between them from your current device successfully.

If you cannot log in to the account you want to remove

If you cannot log in to the account you want to remove, then it is likely because the login credentials are incorrect. To fix this issue, you can try resetting the password using your recovery email address or contacting Instagram Support directly.

If you reset the password, head to and click “Forgot Password”. Once there, enter your username or the email address associated with your account and hit “Submit”.

You’ll receive an email from Instagram containing a link to change your password—click on that link, enter a new password (twice), save it, and try logging in again with the new details!

If that still doesn’t work, you can use Instagram’s dedicated support website at, which provides numerous options for contacting their team of experts—for example, via direct messages or submitting an online support ticket through their Online Request Form.

Once they have spoken with you regarding this issue, they should be able to offer advice on how to remove the account from any device(s) it is remembered on without logging in first!

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