How to Find Some Ones Comments on Instagram A Simple Guide

In this digitally connected world, it is becoming increasingly important to keep track of the activity of your online contacts. Thankfully, with Instagram, there are multiple ways to locate a comment written by someone you follow. Whether you’re looking for a comment from months old or just yesterday’s reply to a post, here’s how you can find it.

First, head over to the profile of the person who wrote the comment and select their ‘Posts’ tab. Once there, you can find an up-to-date list of all their comments and what posts they focused on writing them.

To ensure accuracy when searching for posts within the Posts tab, ensure you’ve already loaded all of your followers’ posts by pressing “see more posts” at the bottom of this page.

If it’s been a while since they’ve posted and many different comments have been made since then, scrolling through all of their posts in order, starting from the newest one, will help narrow your search exponentially and quickly bring up your desired post.

Alternatively, if you don’t know exactly which post they commented on but still want to find out what they said – go back to their profile page and click view all comments underneath their profile photo/information section.

From here, selecting any one comment will immediately take you to the associated post where that comment was posted from – then scroll through or use any keywords or topics in the search bar to track down extremely fast what someone wrote about a certain topic or issue!

Search Instagram Directly

If you’re looking for someone’s comments on Instagram, the easiest way is to search for their name directly on Instagram.

You can search for a person’s name in the search bar at the top of the app, and when you click on their profile, you’ll be able to see all their activity, including comments. This method is the simplest and quickest way to find someone’s comments on Instagram.

Use the Instagram Search Bar

The Instagram search bar allows users to search through Instagram posts and profiles directly. To find posts from a certain user, you can enter their username into the search bar and view the content shared on their profile.

You can also use this tool to search for terms, hashtags, and topics populated with posts from people worldwide.

The messaging feature of Instagram also makes it easy to find content from other users that you follow or have messaged in the past. Once an Instagram profile is created, all messages sent and received with your contacts can be found in the Direct Messages section of your profile.

To open a conversation thread with someone, click their name or username, and then you will see your chat history posted at the bottom of the conversation window. If you’re looking for comments on a post made by another user, open up that post to view all comments in chronological order!

Search by Hashtags

Searching Instagram by hashtag is one of the simplest ways to find someone’s comments quickly. To search by hashtag, type in the hashtag you’re looking for in the Explore Instagram section of the app and click on it.

You will then be able to see a list of all comments posted with that hashtag and view any screenshots, stories, or comments associated with it.

If you know the comment you’re looking for, you can narrow your search by selecting “Recent Comments” from the drop-down menu on the top right of your results page.

Another helpful tip when searching by hashtag is to use multiple hashtags if possible. For example, if you are trying to find someone’s opinion of a certain product or event, they might have commented using multiple hashtags associated with that topic, including #productname and #eventname.

By searching through both individual hashtags separately, you can increase your chances of finding their comment or story more quickly than searching through just one at a time.

However, remember that some users may use different spellings or abbreviations when posting their comments, so check out both versions before giving up hope!

Use Third-Party Platforms

One way you can find someone’s comments on Instagram is by using third-party platforms. Some websites and apps allow you to search for user comments and learn more about the person’s account from there.

These platforms can be useful if you’re trying to find out who someone is talking to or what topics they’re discussing. Let’s look at the different third-party platforms you can use for this.

Use Social Mention

Social Mention is a free platform that lets you search for any user handle or hashtags on social media, including Instagram. It is available on both mobile and desktop, giving you the flexibility to use it wherever you are and from whatever device you use.

To get started, you must go to the Social Mention website and enter your search query in the search bar. This could be a hashtag, username, or phrase related to what you’re looking for.

It’s important to remember that this platform searches public content only; it only searches comments, posts, or other material shared publicly by the user. You cannot access privileged information like emails, likes, or direct messages.

Once Social Mention has retrieved your results, it displays them on the screen along with their sources – which can include Instagram and other social networks like Twitter and Facebook – and sentiment analysis regarding whether the content is positive or negative overall.

By doing this analysis, Social Mention can provide deeper insights than simply listing users’ comments one after another; users can gain a deeper understanding of how subjects are being discussed online by analyzing their sentiment over time in a graphical format.

This makes it easier for users to analyze trends around their research subject – helping them make smarter decisions from more informed perspectives.

Use Buzzsumo

One quickest and most effective ways to search for someone’s comments on Instagram is to use third-party platforms like Buzzsumo. Buzzsumo offers a powerful and intuitive way to track people’s comments and conversations in real-time.

You must enter the name of the person or company you want to track into the search bar, select their profile, and then hit “Track Conversations”. This will bring up all the recent comment threads under their posts.

You can also analyze insights such as engagement, sentiment, replies, mentions, shares, and reach. This will help you understand how users react to your posts in real time so that you know what content resonates with them or triggers a conversation.


When looking for someone’s comments on Instagram, it’s important to remember that there is no single way to do this. Depending on the user and their interactions with other accounts, you may need to explore multiple avenues.

You can try using Instagram to search for their username or hashtag references or visit other user accounts to see who has responded directly to them or left comments within their posts. While browsing, you can also see who has liked a particular post and check out each comment.

This guide should help you easily find someone’s comments on Instagram, no matter what your end goal — whether it’s researching a competitor’s social media tactics or simply trying to share more thoughtful conversations with friends. With these tips, you’re sure to find your way around the platform easily and quickly!

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