How to Keep Your Tech-Enabled Home Secure

The number of homes with smart technology is consistently increasing, but new technology has also brought its share of challenges. It’s common for smart product designers to try to be the first to get their products on the market, leading to potential security issues. This can give cybercriminals a loophole to hack into your network, which could give them access to all your devices. Unfortunately, too many consumers are unaware of the risks because they are too focused on what it can do.

Consider Technology That Doesn’t Connect to the Internet 

While smart devices have an array of functions, you don’t need technology that connects to the internet to improve your home. Equipment like home elevators can be extremely useful because they allow you to get from floor to floor in your home. They’re great for individuals with limited mobility, and they can help you transport goods between floors. Plus, the price of a home elevator in the US can be extremely affordable.

Secure Networks and Passwords

Most of the time, new WIFI routers are not that secure because they have default passwords. These tend to be commonly used passwords that are easy for hackers to guess, giving them access to all devices connected to that router. Change the network password to a strong one that contains numbers, symbols, and letters. It’s also important to make sure you give each device and account a unique password. Long, complex passwords tend to be difficult to remember and type in, but they are also much harder for hackers to break. Each password should have at least 12 or more characters.

Understand the Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Device

Having a tech friendly home won’t help you cope with burnout and stress if having the wrong devices is something that is causing you stress in the first place. Before investing in a new device, do your research to understand the strengths and weaknesses of that device. Does it come from a reputable manufacturer, or has that manufacturer had previous data breaches? Research the types of information the device collects and how much of it goes to an outside company. Understand your terms of service to learn how that information is used and released to other parties. If you have the option of opting out of having your information sold, it is a good sign. Keep up with updates released from the device’s manufacturer. Updates might not be advertised by them all the time, so you’ll want to keep an eye out for them on the manufacturer’s website. You’ll also want to update any apps you use with these devices.

Keep an Eye on Your Network

Your router helps keep all your devices connected, so it is important to protect them from hackers and be sure that it is secure. Your network’s name should not be connected to your address or own name. This makes it harder for hackers to connect it to you. You should also set your router to use the right type of encryption method, like WPA2, to secure your communications. You might want to set up a second network for only your smart home devices. This will keep your personal devices, like tablets or smartphones, separate from your home devices. That way, if one is compromised, a hacker still won’t be able to get sensitive information on your computers.

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