Ps5 Controller Not Connecting To Console 10 Ways To Fix

Having trouble connecting your PS5 controller to the console? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

In this section, we will address some common issues with PS5 controller connectivity and provide you with 10 simple steps to fix the problem.

Whether you’re experiencing connection dropouts or controller pairing issues, we’ll guide you through the troubleshooting process.

Get ready to get back into your gaming sessions without any more interruptions!

Key Takeaways:

  • Common issues with PS5 controller connectivity can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to fix the problem.
  • Some of the ways to fix PS5 controller not connecting include checking the USB cable, resetting the controller, updating the console software, and checking for any wireless interference.
  • If the basic troubleshooting steps don’t work, it’s recommended to contact Sony support for further assistance or consider getting a replacement controller.

Common issues with PS5 controller connectivity

Incompatible PS5 controllers often cause connection issues. Pairing the controller with the console can be difficult for various reasons. There are three common problems:

  1. Failing to sync. This stops gamers from enjoying their experience.
  2. Disconnecting during play. This disrupts the flow.
  3. Input lag or delay. This can be a problem in fast-paced games.

Luckily, there are ways to fix these issues. Steps and troubleshooting tips can help to resolve problems and let gamers enjoy their consoles.

Sometimes, though, unique details may require alternative solutions. It is best to consult Sony, the manufacturer, for additional help.

By following the right troubleshooting measures, gamers can resolve common issues and get the most out of their PlayStation 5.

Steps to fix PS5 controller not connecting

Having trouble connecting your PS5 controller? No worries! We’ve got four simple steps to make them kiss and make up.

  1. First, check the connection between the controller and console. Make sure they are properly connected, turned on and within range of each other.
  2. Then, reset the controller. Press and hold down the reset button for a few seconds until it enters pairing mode. Connect it to the console with a USB.
  3. Third, re-pair it. Go to settings > Bluetooth Accessories > Wireless Controller > Forget Device. Reset the controller and pair again.
  4. Lastly, update the console’s firmware. Connect it to the internet and install updates.

Plus, there are more helpful tips! Check for interference from nearby devices, keep battery power up, and try different USB cables.

Follow these steps and you’ll have your PS5 controller connected in no time.

Additional troubleshooting tips

Got the PS5 controller not connecting to the console? Gamers, this can be a real pain! Here’s some troubleshooting tips that might help:

  1. Battery check: Plug it into a power source or replace the batteries. Low power can sometimes lead to the controller not connecting.
  2. Bluetooth verification: Make sure it’s turned on and that other devices can connect. If not, there may be an issue with the console’s Bluetooth.
  3. Controller reset: Press the reset button on the back. This could help establish a connection between the controller and the console.

Still having issues? Contact customer support. These tips may not cover all scenarios.


To wrap it up, the reference data serves as a complete manual for getting the PS5 controller to connect to the console.

By taking the steps given and verifying the firmware is current, players can fix the connection problem quickly and take pleasure in uninterrupted gaming.

Some Facts About “PS5 Controller Not Connecting to Console? 10 Ways to Fix”:

  • ✅ A PS5 controller not connecting can be caused by various issues, including problems with Bluetooth connectivity, USB-C cable or ports, controller’s internal hardware, or outdated firmware. (Source: Team Research,
  • ✅ To fix the issue, several steps can be taken, such as syncing the controller by plugging it into the console with the USB cable, using a different USB-C cable, checking the USB ports for dust or debris, disconnecting accessories, and performing a soft reset. (Source: Team Research,
  • ✅ Other troubleshooting options include updating the PS5 system software, factory resetting the controller, and replacing the controller battery if necessary. (Source:
  • ✅ If the controller is completely unresponsive, contacting Sony for repair or replacement options is recommended. (Source:
  • ✅ Additional tips include toggling the rest mode charging feature, resetting the controller to resolve input lag, and cleaning the controller for stick drift or sticky buttons. (Source:

FAQs about Ps5 Controller Not Connecting To Console? 10 Ways To Fix

FAQ 1: How can I fix my PS5 controller not connecting to the console?

Answer: If your PS5 controller is not connecting to the console, you can try the following steps:

  1. Make sure the controller is paired with the PS5.
  2. Plug the controller in using a USB-C cable.
  3. Press the “PlayStation” logo button to power the controller on.
  4. If it’s recognized, sign in.
  5. Try a different USB-C cable if the current one isn’t working.
  6. Check the USB port on the top of the controller for dirt or damage.
  7. Make sure the controller is charged, as it needs some charge to connect to the PS5.
  8. Reset the controller by pressing the reset button on the back for 10 seconds.

FAQ 2: What should I do if my PS5 controller is not connecting to my PC?

Answer: If your PS5 controller is not connecting to your PC, you can try the following steps:

  1. Make sure the PS5 is paired with the PC.
  2. Put the controller in pairing mode by holding the “PlayStation” logo button and “Share” button until the touchpad light flashes.
  3. Go to “Settings” > “Bluetooth & other devices” > “Add a device” > “Bluetooth” on the PC.
  4. Select the PS5 controller that appears.
  5. Try connecting the controller with a USB-C cable.
  6. Reset the controller by pressing the reset button on the back for 10 seconds.

FAQ 3: How do I fix stick drift on my PS5 DualSense controller?

Answer: If you’re experiencing stick drift with your PS5 DualSense controller, you can try the following steps:

  1. Refer to a guide on how to fix stick drift, which may involve cleaning the controller or replacing the joystick.

FAQ 4: How do I upgrade my PS Plus to Extra or Premium?

Answer: To upgrade your PS Plus to Extra or Premium, you can follow a specific guide provided by PlayStation. Please refer to the guide for detailed instructions.

FAQ 5: What should I do if my PS5 controller has input lag?

Answer: If you’re facing PS5 controller input lag, you can refer to a guide on how to fix it. The guide may provide troubleshooting steps and solutions to reduce or eliminate input lag.

FAQ 6: How can I contact technical support regarding my PS5 controller not connecting?

Answer: If you’ve tried the troubleshooting steps and your PS5 controller is still not connecting, you can contact Sony for technical support. They can provide further assistance and potentially offer repair or replacement options for your controller.

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