How to Delete Drafts on Instagram on iPhone or Android

Deleting Drafts on Instagram on iPhone

If you have posted drafts on Instagram that you want to delete, it is easy to do on both the iPhone and Android platforms. In this article, we will explain how you can delete drafts on Instagram using the iPhone app. We will also give you some tips on how to avoid accidentally posting drafts. Let’s get started!

Open the Instagram app

Open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android device. You’ll see the home screen with all your posts, or you’ll have the option to post a new photo or video. If you don’t see the option to post, tap the plus (“+”) sign in the bottom right corner of your screen.

You can view your saved drafts once you are on the Post tab. To delete a draft, find it and then swipe left on it. A small window will pop up asking if you want to delete that draft. Tap on Delete, and it will be removed from your drafts list.

Tapping Discard in the top-right corner of your post editor will discard any unsaved changes and close the window without saving any work. This is useful for avoiding unintentional auto-saves on longer posts or exploring different filters before deleting a draft altogether.

Additionally, swiping down from within any drafts editor will open a prompt asking if you would prefer to discard any unsaved changes before closing out of that particular draft window entirely.

Select the “Your Story” icon

To delete a draft on Instagram, the first step is to open the app and select the “Your Story” icon. After selecting the Your Story icon, you will see a list of thumbnails at the bottom of your smartphone screen. These thumbnails are any images or videos you save as drafts before posting them to your Instagram story.

To delete an individual draft, tap and hold on to it until a menu appears. You can select “Delete Draft” to remove it from your phone or “Edit” if you want to change something before posting it.

To delete all drafts at once, tap and hold on one of them until the menu appears, then select “Delete All Drafts” from this menu before confirming your choice by tapping “Delete All” again. Once selected, all of your drafts will be removed and no longer appear in your list of story previews!

Select the “Drafts” icon

The Drafts icon on your Instagram account is at the bottom of the home page. You can select this to see all of your saved Drafts. The top right-hand corner will have a black “X” and a white trashcan icon. Tap the trashcan to delete the selected Draft or hit the “X” to clear opened draft items without deleting them.

When you are in “Drafts,” you can swipe left on any post that was partially completed and not yet published, select the trash can icon, and click “Delete” to delete it permanently from your profile.

You can also delete multiple drafts by pressing down on any of the posts at once and releasing them when highlighted blue — this will let you mark multiple posts for deletion by selecting the trash can in the upper right-hand corner.

By following these simple steps, you should be able to easily delete drafts from Instagram on iPhone or Android quickly and efficiently!

Select the “X” icon next to the draft you want to delete

If you’ve created drafts on Instagram and need to delete them, you can do so easily from an iPhone. To delete an existing draft, open the Instagram app and select your profile icon at the bottom. Select the “Drafts” option on the profile page, and a list of all existing drafts will appear.

Select the “X” icon next to the draft you want to delete from here. After clicking this icon, a confirmation window asks if you want to discard this post or save it as a draft.

Select “Discard Post,” and your draft will be deleted from your queues without being published online. You can then repeat these steps for other drafts or click the back arrow at the top of the page to exit Drafts mode.

Deleting Drafts on Instagram on Android

Deleting drafts on Instagram on Android is a simple process. It lets you quickly remove any drafts you have been working on and don’t want to publish.

It is important to remember that drafts are not automatically deleted; they must be manually removed. This section will explain how to delete drafts on Instagram on Android phones and tablets.

Open the Instagram app

To delete drafts from Instagram on an Android device, begin by opening the Instagram app. Note that drafts cannot be deleted while using a web browser to access Instagram — you must use the app.

Once the app opens, you will see three horizontal lines in your screen’s upper right-hand corner. Tap this icon, which will open a pop-up menu containing several options. Among these choices will be “Drafts” — tap this to open the Drafts album.

This album contains all created drafts that have not been published or saved as posts on your feed. To delete any drafts that you no longer need, tap and hold each one until it becomes highlighted.

Any selected draft can be quickly unselected by tapping and holding it again; once all unnecessary drafts have been selected, you only need to tap the “Delete” button at the top of your screen, and your unwanted drafts will disappear forever!

Select the “Your Story” icon

If drafts are saved to your Instagram profile, you can view, delete, and share them directly from the app. All drafts are located in Your Story and are only visible to you. To get started, select the “Your Story” icon in the top bar of Instagram on your Android device.

The Your Story icon looks like a circle with a plus sign inside it — it appears next to the Home, Search, Activity, and Profile icons at the bottom of the screen.

After selecting the Your Story icon, swipe down to see any recently saved drafts. If a draft is yet to be published and you’ve lost track of it or no longer need it, you can easily delete it by tapping the three dots at the bottom right corner of its preview and then selecting “Delete Draft” from the corresponding menu.

Alternatively, if you are happy with your draft content but want to make changes before publishing it publicly, tap “Edit Draft” instead. This will allow you to modify hashtags or other parts of your post before being shared with your followers or specific people through Direct Messages.

Select the “Drafts” icon

To erase or delete Instagram drafts on an Android device, open the Instagram app and go to your profile by tapping the square icon in the bottom right corner. After selecting your profile, select the “Drafts” icon in the upper right corner.

All of your current drafts will now appear in this folder. Select and delete one of your drafts by tapping the menu button at the top right-hand corner. When you’re done deleting the draft, you can go back to browsing Instagram images as normal –your deleted draft will be permanently erased!

Select the “Delete” icon next to the draft you want to delete

If you use Instagram on an Android phone or tablet, you can easily delete drafts directly from the Drafts section of your profile. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Open the Instagram app on your Android device and log into your account.

Step 2: Tap the “Profile” icon in the lower-right corner to access your profile page.

Step 3: On your profile page, tap “Drafts” in the upper-right corner. This will open up a list of all your drafts, which you can select to continue editing or post directly to Instagram.

Step 4: Next to each draft, you will see a small “Delete” icon — tap it and confirm that you want to delete the draft. This will permanently delete it from Instagram and free up some space for more photos or videos.

You can also discard drafts from the edit screen before they are posted by tapping on “Discard Post” at the bottom of every edit screen. Make sure that you confirm when prompted if you want to discard a post or if you’d like to save it as a draft instead.

Tips for Deleting Drafts on Instagram

Deleting drafts on Instagram is an important task for many users, whether to clear away old projects or edit something before you post them.

Deleting drafts on Instagram may vary slightly depending on your device. In this article, we’ll discuss how to delete drafts on Instagram both on iPhone and Android phones.

Make sure you want to delete the draft before selecting the “Delete” icon

Instagram allows users to “draft” posts, which are saved but not shared with anyone else until they’re ready to be published.

It’s a great concept — it allows users to craft their posts or photos perfectly without pushing any updates until they’re ready. But drafts also take up space; if too many are stored on your phone, your devices can become sluggish.

Fortunately, deleting drafts is easy — for both iPhone and Android users. However, before you delete any of your drafts, ensure you are ready to let them go because there is no way to retrieve them once they have been deleted! Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not you want to delete a draft:

  1. Have all elements been added? If any captions or images need to be added before the post can be published, ensure they are included so you don’t lose the changes!
  2. Can you remember what the post was about? If there is something unique about this draft that won’t be able to translate easily when you create a new one, then it might be worth keeping around for a bit longer.
  3. Is this post timely? If the timing for this post has already passed, it might not be worth holding onto any longer — unless it will stay relevant shortly.
  4. Does it fit your brand image? Does this post match up with what your followers/customers expect from your brand/products/services? It’s worth examining whether or not this draft fits into that overall message.

Once you have carefully considered all of these factors, if you feel confident that deleting the draft is still best for you and your account, go ahead and find the “Delete” icon! On iPhone, tap “More Options,” and on Android, tap “Delete Draft” to permanently remove drafts from Instagram.

Consider saving the draft as a post if you’re unsure if you want to delete it

If you’re unsure if you want to delete a draft, consider saving it as a post. When you save a post as a draft, it will save the caption, tags, and other details attached so you can continue with it later.

You can easily use this feature to compile posts in advance without pausing your Instagram feed updates; remember that saving as a draft doesn’t share the post immediately.

If you decide later on that you would like to permanently delete the saved draft, tap on Saved Post from the Drafts menu and select Delete from there.

Keep in mind that drafts are only visible if you are looking at your profile, and if someone else is not following your profile, they won’t be able to access drafts that have been saved. This can be helpful when you don’t want certain posts shared with people not following your account yet.

Consider downloading the draft to your device before deleting it

Deleting an Instagram draft doesn’t mean you cannot get the content back. Before deleting a draft, it is important to consider if you want to keep the content. If it is something that you would like to refer to in the future, downloading it to your device before deleting it can be an effective way of preserving the content for when you need it.

This could be especially useful if the post contains something that would take a long time or considerable effort to recreate later, such as images, videos, or particularly involved text.

Furthermore, if users require approval before a post is published, downloading may be desirable so that they do not have to approve a post that will not be published.

Keeping drafts backed up on your device can provide greater freedom in creating different stories and posts without fear of losing them should you decide not to publish them on Instagram.

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