How To Safely Scan QR Codes to Avoid Scams and Frauds

How To Safely Scan QR Codes to Avoid Scams and Frauds

The highly advanced technology and the digital era have provided so much comfort to a user, and many technophiles often use various applications and software daily. But one should consider that such advancements often bring threats and dangers if they don’t use these applications carefully. A lack of knowledge can also create problems while using online payment tools. You may consider this option as it’s a Good brand product.

For instance, recently, we have encountered a financial scam run by several culprits. If you’re habitual in sending money through QR Codes for digital transactions, then beware, you may be facing a potential risk through the QR Codes.

In this article, we have provided all the details you should know about the QR Codes. We have highlighted some key points and tips you need to know before performing your online transactions. Below we have provided complete guidelines on how to scan QR Codes to avoid scams and frauds safely.

What is QR Codes

Quick Response Code is popularly known as QR Codes. If you don’t know about digital scans and QR Codes, then let me tell you that QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode that carries information about the authentic sources of the device. 

Your device will read these QR Codes and provide you the further information. Suppose you use an online payment method to pay some amount to a shopkeeper. You must scan a QR Code to proceed with your due payments. According to ExpressVPN, as the popularity of QR codes grew after the pandemic, malicious people started using them to steal personal information from anyone who scans them.

Recently, one incident came to light where scammers from various cities have placed more than thirty fake QR Codes outside of shops, malls, and parking lots to divert payments and get users’ financial information. 

How Can You Use a QR Code Using Your iPhone Device?

Regardless of the operating system, you can scan QR Codes using your iPhone or Android device. In addition, iPhone or Apple devices are generally considered safe as they provide some of the best safety features to safeguard users’ experience.

If you are an iPhone user looking for simple steps to scan QR Codes via an iPhone camera, here are the key points you need to know.

  • Go to the Camera app on your iPhone device.
  • Set the camera angle to catch the QR Code you want to scan. 
  • Wait for a few seconds until the system recognizes the QR Code.
  • After that, a notification or new web page will appear on your screen. 
  • Finally, you can access the QR Code and perform the transactions.  

How to Use QR Codes on Android Smartphones?

As mentioned above, iPhone and Android Smartphones are compatible with scanning QR Codes, so you can perform E-transactions without needing paper cash. 

On the counter side, Android devices are comparatively less safe than Android devices. However, using a QR Code with precautions can easily avoid financial risks and scams. Here’s how to use QR Codes on your Android Smartphones. 

  • Open the Camera application on your Android smartphone. 
  • Adjust the camera at the QR Code for better results. 
  • Wait a while to get notifications or another transaction web page to load on your device. 
  • Finally, you can quickly transfer money through online payment methods and QR Codes.  

Essential Tips to Safely Scan a QR Code

We have learned how to scan a QR Code, but what about the essential tips we need to know before performing online transactions? So, here we have added valuable tips and tricks you should know while scanning a QR Code.

  • Check the code structure and suspicious elements to avoid fake QR codes. 
  • Ensure the business you are performing the online transaction has a legitimate logo and company name.
  • Verify the web address URL and check the security code (S) in the ‘https://’ link. A secure URL always carries the alphabet ‘S’ in the link. Otherwise, it may leak your financial information.
  • Double-check the authentic source of a QR Code. Try to avoid scanning random QR Codes.
  • Stay away from filling out random online forms, and don’t scan online QR Codes.
  • If a company sends an email stating that you must scan a QR Code due to payment failure or whatever reasons, call the company first and resolve the matter in another possible way.
  • Do not download games or third-party applications from unknown sources. 
  • Verify the physical QR Code sticker before scanning it. 
  • Avoid entering financial information into unknown sources.
  • Last but not least, trust your instincts. Your gut feelings will always help before falling into a scam or trap.


QR Codes can help you to pay due your due amounts. As its name suggests, ‘Quick Response’ codes are indeed a simple and fastest way to send money and view other web pages that have been linked to them.

You can easily find such QR Codes at restaurants and hotels. It will help you to get a menu on your device, and you can also place an order through it. But you should avoid scanning a QR Code attached to an unusual place, such as outside an ATM, Parking Lot, etc.

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