How Businesses Can Increase Customer Engagement Through Email and SMS Marketing

Now SMS and Email can boost marketing customer retention interventions. Businesses are increasingly using them with higher levels of success. According to an Evergage study, 87% of marketers improved their metrics due to personalization interventions. Email and SMS can be customized to make the messages  appeal more to target customers.

Why do brands need both Email and SMS marketing?

Email and SMS are ideal for an in-depth customer engagement platform. The combined impact of email and SMS marketing campaigns allows entities to deepen their customer engagement. A quick statistic: 9 out of 10 customers prefer to communicate with brands via text, SMS Comparison study shows. So, if you use email for detailed product update info, you may consider sending quick notifications via SMS.

How do Email and SMS differ?

The email involves an electronic means of consumer engagement. It is often used for longer-form content such as newsletters. SMS is a communication method involving sending or receiving short messages, dubbed as texts. SMS is more casual and can be tapped for a broader reach.

SMS or Email? Which to use and when?

SMS is most suited for sending short-form communication. Short-term ads for discounts, coupons, and company offers are suited for SMS. Also, use SMS marketing automation when you seek to reach a wider clientele within the shortest time.

Email is preferred as a more formal communication. Newsletters and in-depth product information is better sent via email. That can be said when you need to incorporate images that are not accommodated through SMS.

SMS marketing

Does SMS marketing matter?

SMS allows sending of generic texts to market a brand. Automated SMS marketing is of significance since it reaches customers faster with a higher click rate.

Is SMS marketing effective?

Yes, the SMS open rate is as high as 98%, according to SMS Comparison research. Customers also say they prefer SMS over other communication channels.

Email marketing

Does Email marketing matter?

Email marketing uses electronic means to inform, communicate, and market a brand. An automated email marketing campaign matters since it helps develop rich and customized messages.

Besides, there are email automation tools that allow batching of communication for a broader reach. It is also cheap and does not need expensive budgetary allocations.

How to use Email marketing

An email marketing campaign is used for constant and regular communication. For example, marketers can tell about a brand’s products and services and their benefits through newsletters.

SMS or Email, which has an edge?

An SMS marketing campaign comes ahead on speed and ease of reach than email. However, either can do better based on the type of message delivered.

In what ways can Email or SMS enhance customer engagement?

SMS or email allows brands to mention customers by their name – that’s what personalization is all about! Marketers can include a call to action to make messages more effective. Besides, both methods can allow a feedback mechanism for deep customer relations.

Why should brands text and Email customers?

A marketing automation tool through SMS and/or email communication allows continuous engagement. Both are good ways to communicate time-sensitive information such as personal offers.

Why you should invest in Email and SMS marketing

Customers need deeper relations with their brands. SMS and email will do the dirty job of having to engage every customer. Batching and personalization are great examples.

Choose Retainly for your automated SMS and email marketing. The go-to automated engagement platform partly handles everything from email and text to push notifications. Using Retainly will help streamline marketing and improve efficiency for greater sales conversions.

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