Developments of technology in the finance industry

Developments of technology in the finance industry

Tech in the finance industry

Over the last few decades, technology has transformed the financial industry. Examples range from online platforms and digital products to the more recent development of artificial intelligence. 

The introduction of FinTech has enabled quicker transactions – think online banking and the use of mobile wallets – and improved financial forecasting due to enhanced data analysis which allows for the faster identification of trends. In simple terms, it’s made financial operations generally easier for both businesses and consumers. 

Data management

Companies in the finance industry often have to handle large quantities of sensitive data, such as bank account details. This means that the sector has always faced data security concerns that previously meant cumbersome storage methods which limited the scalability of operations. 

Digital solutions allow for unlimited data to be held in the online space, but the same concerns remain – not least because digital security is still relatively new and susceptible to hackers. However, technologies like cloud computing have proved that data can be kept secure while remaining accessible to relevant parties, and have been widely adopted by businesses in the industry. 

Online platforms

The rise of the internet meant the introduction of online platforms across all sectors. Today, this goes well beyond websites, to platforms that unite separate companies within each industry to maximise the user experience. 

In the financial world, this includes multi-asset trading platforms like Tradu which unite diverse investment opportunities in one place. This means that it’s easier than ever to play the market while analysis tools, real-time data updates and automated safeguards like stop-loss orders help to protect funds and increase your chances of making a profit. 

AI in finance

One of the latest forms of technology, artificial intelligence has been embraced in the finance industry as an aid to fraud detection and risk management. Using AI makes it easier to recognise and flag anomalies in a wide range of personal financial activities like banking transactions and online payments. This helps to protect your funds against fraud scams and hackers. 

Financial companies are also using artificial intelligence in the form of bots to help manage enquiries. Its ability to streamline enquiries and answer general queries has led to improved customer service for many businesses in the industry. 

Cryptocurrency and blockchain

One of the most unusual FinTech developments that remains a widely debated topic is the introduction of cryptocurrency. This is a digital currency that exists outside of centralised authorities (such as Bitcoin) rather than a central bank digital currency (CBDB) which is beginning to be introduced into existing monetary systems to replace physical cash.

Blockchain was developed alongside the emergence of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to facilitate, record and track transactions and the transfer of assets outside of the centralised banking system.

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