6 Ways to Protect Your Personal Information Online

Almost every day, we read news about data breaches at small-medium businesses. Not only online businesses but physical businesses are also prone to data breaches. Little changes to the privacy settings of your account can help you to keep your data protected. Most users set very basic and predictable passwords, and they don’t change passwords for years.

The best practice to protect your data and information is to use a strong password and then change it quite often. We don’t realize the importance of data safety until we lose important information due to hacking attempts. Why would you risk important data when a few changes can save you from big troubles?

Importance of Online Data Safety

Safety of data means that no unauthorized person will be able to access or read your data. Protecting sensitive data is easy, but most users don’t pay attention to the data safety and security measures. If sensitive data like personal details and banking details fall into the wrong hands, you might face serious consequences. In many countries, legal authorities also require online businesses to ensure the safety of user’s data.

Instead of being afraid of online businesses, users need to follow basic precautions and safety tips. Imagine joining an online casino where you will be sharing personal data, contact information and bank details. Users may end up at rogue sites because they don’t understand the importance of licensed casinos. Being part of such scam websites will put your data in the scammer’s hands. Usually, scams and dummy websites use attractive bonuses and promotions to attract new players.

Users who are looking for bonuses must check 50 euro bez depozytu as this bonus enables real money gameplay without any deposit. Whenever you see any perfect offer, always do your research. Being part of safe and legitimate online sites is the very first step in online data safety.

How to Protect Your Personal Information Online?

There are some very basic steps and rules to follow for the protection of online data. All users must follow these simple suggestions if they want to keep their files and details safe. A little mistake can expose your sensitive data to unauthorized parties.

Use Strong Passwords

For social media accounts and other sites, always use strong passwords. There are different tools that can create strong passwords for you. Using your name or the name of your pet is a mistake. Many people use the first 6 digits as their password. Cracking a simple password does not take long. While creating a strong password for your social media or business account, make sure to use a combination of alphabets, digits and special characters. Even if the hackers try to use any tool, it will be quite impossible for them to try all possible combinations. Here are a few tips for setting a strong password:

  • Include numbers.
  • Incorporate special characters.
  • Make it at least 12 characters long.
  • Avoid common words and phrases.
  • Don’t use easily guessable information.
  • Change passwords regularly.

Don’t Share Everything on Social Media

It is common for online users to post every little thing on social media accounts. We have provided personal details, ranging from address to phone number and workplace details. Many websites ask for security questions like the name of your first school or your birthplace. If social media accounts already have these details available to the public, it will be easier for anyone to exploit your data. Go through the privacy settings of your social media accounts and check if any such information is openly available to the public.

Be Careful with Free Wi-Fi

We all love the free stuff, including free Wi-Fi. There is no such thing as free. Using free Wi-Fi means you are paying the cost one way or another. Most of the shopping malls have free Wi-Fi available for their customers. These connections are not secure, and using these networks for online shopping will put your financial credentials at risk. Other devices connected to the same network might be able to access your data without you knowing. Make sure to have the right security protocols in place if you are connected to public Wi-Fi.

Don’t Click on Unknown Links and Attachments

Cybercriminals use different techniques and methods to trap users into clicking their special links. They usually portray authentic companies or authorities and send you the links that will compromise your security. If you receive an email from an unknown resource, don’t fall for it. Always make sure that the email is from an authentic company; you can verify the email address and check the spelling of the company name.

Check if the Site is Secure

Providing your sensitive data and contact information at an online site is a big deal. Before entering your details, make sure that the site is fully secure with SSL encryption. A little lock sign in the address bar means that the site has the right security measures in place. There are many other ways to determine if a site is protected or not. An unprotected site means that the company doesn’t value the security of data and information shared by its users. Here are some simple ways to check if a site is secure:

  • Look for “https://” in the URL.
  • Check for a padlock icon in the address bar.
  • Verify the site’s SSL certificate.
  • Read online reviews and ratings.
  • Ensure the website has a privacy policy.
  • Confirm the website’s contact information.
  • Use reputable antivirus software.

Install Anti-virus Software

There are different types of online cyber security tools available for users. You can have a Firewall, anti-spyware or antivirus in place to protect your data against hacking attempts. Companies can go for Cyber insurance. If you are running a small or medium business, make sure to have a professional cybersecurity expert on your team. Investment in the safety of your data can save you from major troubles.


Using two-step authentication, having a password, setting up a Firewall, and other security measures might seem complicated. If done right, these efforts will protect your identity against digital theft and hacks. While sharing sensitive data on your Facebook or other social media profiles, make sure that all privacy settings are up to date. Any unwanted person may use that information to gain access to different sites or accounts, pretending to be you.

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